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Dengue Cases Confirmed on Montserrat, Response Mechanism Activated

The Ministry of Health has reported two laboratory confirmed cases of Dengue Fever on Montserrat and is stepping up efforts to control the spread of the virus.

Health officials issued an alert on Wednesday afternoon confirming that dengue was on island and their response mechanism had been activated.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. This may include a high fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash.

The Health team has stepped up efforts to contain the spread of the dengue fever virus:
The Vector Control Team has increased inspections to seek and destroy mosquito larvae in any observed breeding sites. The Team has commenced targeted fogging to eliminate reduce the population of adult mosquitoes in areas where large numbers of persons are known to congregate, where persons suspected/confirmed to be infected with dengue live and work, and at ports of entry, the ministry shared on their Facebook page.
Additional resources are being mobilized to conduct island-wide fogging which is scheduled to commence in 48 hours.
“Our education campaign continues for both residents and visitors using all available media,” the ministry said.
Efforts are also being made to identify and manage cases. Front line clinical staff are on the alert for anyone presenting with signs and symptoms of dengue fever, and/or complications of dengue fever.
“We have enough ‘bed nets’ to serve all the beds at the hospital and Margetson Memorial Home for the elderly, so that persons who require hospitalization for severe dengue symptoms may be cared for without putting other patients and staff at increased risk. Medication to treat the complaints associated with dengue (e.g. fever, headache, muscle and joint pains) are available” on island.

Further announcements will be on-going. The public is encouraged to take precautions and learn more about the dengue fever. Clean your surroundings of anything which can capture stagnant water such as flower pots, old tires, barrels, roof gutters.

Follow the Ministry of Health Facebook page for updates.