Read the 2024 Edition of Discover Montserrat Magazine

Merle Looking at Opportunities Merle Galloway Photo)
Merle Looking at Opportunities Merle Galloway Photo)

These Ladypreneurs Are Learning Lessons and Upping Their Game Despite COVID-19

Lauretta demonstrates how to give yourself a massage to relieve stress.

We asked some of our local female entrepreneurs to tell us how they are coping with working from home and the challenges of doing business in the era of COVID-19.

Lauretta Daley, Blyss Day Spa

What has COVID-19 taught me?

During February and into March it had become apparent to us that the COVID-19 virus was in no hurry to go away. A few days before the St. Patrick’s celebrations, it was announced on radio that the Government of Montserrat was taking measures to curb or prevent the spread of the virus. I gave thought to the announcement and immediately decided to cease business, as the nature of my spa requires direct contact and I did not want to jeopardise the health of my clients and my own.

My current focus

I had to really think of ways in which I could continue to be in the presence of others virtually, so on March 15 I began with sharing a short quiz to Instagram. I continued doing Instagram stories. On March 21, I read a piece by Nerissa Golden “Pivot Your Business #ShowUpShowOff“. This not only reinforced what I had in mind, but it also gave me additional ideas for my postings. I now make short videos that relate to my business and these are posted to my Facebook and Instagram Blyss Day Spa.

Advice to Other Entrepreneurs

“Fellow entrepreneurs you may wish to read Nerissa’s article it is very enlightening and might just be that push you are looking for.”

Watch one of Lauretta’s new videos here…

A perfect time to work on her technique. (PAS Photo)

Aurora Osborne, Phoenix Art Studio

What has COVID-19 taught me?

I have learned that basic hand washing is even more important when my children are around because they do as they see you do.

My current focus

My current focus is my family and now that I have endless free time I can spend time with my girls teaching them to plait and sew, and make some art and craft pieces for our home. I have also used this time to do some work on my studio. This is one of the main activities that is really keeping my focused. By using my free time to decorate my studio in detail I have started to realize that I also enjoy interior design.

Aurora starts the day with this bush tea blend. (PAS Photo)

The impact on my business has been

The backlash against my business from COVID-19 is tough but bearable. I just try to make the best of the free time indoors. I have been practicing new techniques and testing out what colors go well with each other.

Advice to Other Entrepreneurs

Use this at home time to work on new ideas or services they could provide and new techniques that would better their business.

The activity or song that is helping me through this

This cup up of fever grass, tarragon and ram goat bush tea. Every morning I have this to clear my head and when I look at the picture it reminds me that tmy God is amazing and He is all knowing. So instead of worrying about when this will all be over, I choose to be proactive so them when the time arises Phoenix Art STUDIOS will be ready.

Follow her on Instagram.

Lyandra Hobson, Owner, LHNet Ordering Services

What has COVID-19 taught me?

Lyandra is chilling (L Hobson Photo)

Covid has reinforced for me that I should expect the unexpected. We are all aware that with life we experience both the good and the bad, the ups and downs so I am viewing this as just another hurdle to get over.

My current focus
Notwithstanding, I am still absorbing the shock of what’s happened/what is happening. However, knowing the person I am, the drive I have, I am confident that this phrase would be short-lived. So my current situation is that I am just relaxing whilst trying to find my way back to my schedule before Covid, one that I found worked perfectly for me, but now having to make adjustments to it to deal with the current reality.

The impact on my business has been

My business has been hugely affected in all areas, for eg for the travel section persons are no longer able to travel and would not be booking flights.

Advice to Other Entrepreneurs
My advice to other entrepreneurs is to keep the faith, and believe that this too shall pass. I would also advice all to use the time wisely, for eg if you were planning to expand your business, here is the time to write a solid business case. If you were behind on activities needed to make the business run smoothly, here is your opportunity to get up to speed. If your accounts were strictly book based have a think about putting them online or if you wanted to take your business online, now is the time to do so. Use the time to strengthen your business, so when this is over and it will be, you are ready, because best believe customers will be waiting.

The activity or song that is helping me through this – I believe by Fantasia

“I believe in the impossible if I reach deep within my heart,

Overcome any obstacle won’t let this dream fall apart,

See I thrive to be the very best shine my light for all to see,

Cause anything is impossible, when you believe.”

In addition, I am a part of an online Goal Accelerator Club and our mentor Nicole McClaren Campbell has been releasing more videos which provides advice on relevant business topics such as how to start an online business and make more money. These coupled with frequent advice I receive from Nerissa Golden on how I could opt my ante business wise, are all helping to keep my motivation up.

Follow Lyandra on Instagram.

Milykhia McKenzie in her home office (MM Photo)

Milykhia McKenzie – Co-Owner, Alliouagana Express

What has COVID-19 taught me?

Covid-19 has taught me that the world is not a stable place and you can never be fully prepared for a disaster be it man-made or natural and especially a pandemic.  Always have a backup plan. You could never plan too much. There are some things in life that are essential to life and others that are not. Covid does not discriminate. It affects the big and the small, rich and the poor, everyone is affected in somehow. Most importantly faith in God can help you through any crisis.  And life is fragile.

My current focus

Staying safe so I can come out of this healthy and ready for the next phase. Work on my mental health during this period of isolation and lock down. And at the same time work on a plan B and C for survival of my business after this crisis has passed.

The impact on my business has been

… tremendous and I will see the bigger impact at the end of this crisis. We have literally ceased production. Our clients are also under attack so most have to channel their resources elsewhere. Being locked down means not getting to the office.  However on the brighter side we are now able to concentrate on creating a better web presence. We also have our equipment ready and waiting to go. I remember when we started our business we had no finance to do our start up but today we have come a long way. This was not a natural disaster where we lost our assets and buildings, etc.

Advice to Other Entrepreneurs

My advice to other entrepreneurs is to not lose faith as it is the whole world that is in this together.  We will find a way to survive this.  I will also say this too will pass.  Think of the positives that can come out of this whole situation because over thinking the negatives will play with your mental health.

The activity or song that is helping me through this is…..

I have been catching up on my cleaning. But my best past time is cooking for my family and bonding with them. I have also started looking at journaling.

The song I would say that is keeping through this time is ‘Your grace and mercy brought me through, I am living this moment because of you.

Visit Alliouagana Express.

Merle Looking at Opportunities Merle Galloway Photo)

Merle Galloway, Consultant

My whole body lights up when I am discovering new concepts and ideas. I am in my happy place when I when I undertake challenges that insights mental and physical growth. (That’s my inner nerd talking and yesssssssss I love her )

What has COVID-19 taught me?
COVID-19 is presenting so many wonderful opportunities for me. Ideas and business growth opportunities that I before only ½ danced around; I have no other choice now but to look those opportunities squarely in the eye and take them on fully.

My current focus

I do virtual personalized one on one “get results” programs for my clients but I tip toed around the idea of doing virtual group programs as I wanted to maintain the wonderful dynamics, chemistry and accountability of in person group sessions, and was unsure of how to maintain this in a virtual space. I am now learning different platforms and methods to maintain those same dynamics. COVID-19 has taught me so many different ways to serve in an online space.

The impact on my business has been

My schedule is still quite full, so my days are busy, however I am learning to be more in the moment and also how extremely important it is to safeguard my mind and body from what I allow to enter.

Advice to Other Entrepreneurs

I would advise other entrepreneurs to use this time to brainstorm new ways of serving their clients, to use this time to master new skills and most importantly to maintain a schedule. (its real easy to get caught up with social media, the news about COVID (well that’s all that on the news these days), which becomes overwhelming and takes you the rabbit hole). Schedule in news time and social media time and stick to it. Also it’s a great time to maintain even reconnect with your network. Even though you are unable to physically see them it’s important to maintain that support.

The activity or song that is helping me through this is…..

Dancing to African Drum beats is especially helpful to me as it forces me to get out of my head, get a really great work out and release tensions in my body. It’s a quick easy way to return a smile to my face.

Visit Merle Galloway online.