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Montserrat’s Soca Monarch to Perform in OECS Virtual Concert of Hope

Montserrat’s soca monarch Trevon “Trevvle” Pollard will be part of a stellar lineup of artists from the OECS performing in a virtual concert next Saturday, June 13, 2020.

The OECS Commission through its Competitive Business Unit (CBU) plans to bring hope to Member States and build solidarity with frontline workers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic using the power of the region’s music. A Free Virtual Concert featuring several top performers from across the OECS region will be live streamed on starting at 7:30pm on various social media platforms.

Trevvle, who is the island’s current groovy and power soca monarch said the opportunity comes at the right time, given his increased focus on building his brand and career as a entertainer. He will be backed up by Inner Vibes band and plans to perform his two winning tracks Defend It and Old Time Party.

The June 13th Virtual Concert which is dubbed” “Building Hope through the Power of OECS Music” is packaged to bring an evening of entertainment and fun to viewers and listeners in OECS Member States and in other parts of the region and internationally.  The entertainment package, which is especially planned to highlight the contribution of OECS musicians and entertainers during the period of this pandemic, promises to be highly entertaining and full of dynamic performances from a wide variety of artistes covering all the key genres of music performed in the OECS.

The concert will feature among others, Dominica’s internationally recognised singer and songwriter, Michele Henderson; reggae singer and song writer and former West Indies cricketer, Omari Banks of Anguilla; Veteran zouk stars, Orlane from Martinique and Christiane Odybol – formerly of Zouk Machine – from Guadeloupe; Guadeloupean ragga/dancehall and zouk star Admiral T; Dominica’s reggae and dancehall artiste Colton T; soca stars from St. Vincent and the Grenadines Hance John and Fireman Hooper along with Grenadians Lil’ Natty and Thunda; Saint Lucian stars Ricky T and Shemmy J; Dominica’s bouyon giant Triple Kay Global; emerging Martinican singer-song writer Stella Gonis; Soca Monarchs Trevon Pollard of Montserrat and Dennis Menace XL Roberts of Antigua and Barbuda; Antiguan soca queen Claudette Peters; St. Kitts and Nevis reggae star Dujon Caesar along with emerging star Charnelle Mc Master; and BVI Soca star Martino Mark, who will make up the evening’s line-up of performers.

These artistes together with hosts, Leroy “Wadix” Charles of Dominica; Natalie Clarke of Antigua and Barbuda; and Saint Lucian Hollywood Hp will power the show which will be carried on social media platforms Facebook and Youtube.

The OECS Virtual Concert is in recognition of the value and critical role of music, the creative industry and performing arts in bringing communities together and their ability to inspire in moments of crisis and disasters. It is expected that the event will serve not only to bring some measure of entertainment to viewers and listeners but also to give exposure to the work of OECS musicians and to bring them closer together in a period of collaboration and solidarity with the countries and peoples of the OECS region.

The event is being produced by Herric Horne of Island Network of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Marva Williams of the Dominica Festivals Committee with the support of a team from the OECS Commission.

The public will be able to access the event by logging onto the OECS Commission’s Social media platforms and by following the performers on the show on their social media handles.


View the OECS COVID-19 Virtual Concert Live on the OECS Facebook Page!

Date: Saturday, 13 June 2020

Time: 7:30pm (Eastern Caribbean Time)