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Community Groups Partner to Bring Annual Christmas and New Years Luncheon to the Needy

Director of the Montserrat Red Cross Glenn Francis said the spirit of giving is alive and well on the island.

Francis stated this on ZJB Radio last week as he gave an account of the response to a December appeal for the community to support the annual Christmas lunch programme, which provides warm meals for seniors and others in need.

The director shared that 38 people, along with community groups, churches and local companies contributed to the annual luncheon, which is now in it’s 24th year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the programme was conducted differently. In addition to the food supplies received, they also raised $5805 in cash.

The Red Cross partnered with three local community groups to execute the luncheon. Each group received cash support and supplies with the Davy Hill Community Action Group receiving $500, Meals on Wheels and Golden Year’s Home each receiving $1000. The remaining funds which were over and above what was needed of $3305 is to be allocated to the 2021 Christmas luncheon budget.

Francis shared that Meals on Wheels delivered 62 meals on Christmas Day and 54 on New Year’s Day. Davy Hill distributed 60 meals to residents and Golden Years Home residents benefited from 22 meals on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

He expressed thanks to everyone who partnered with them and the donors who made the event possible. “It was wonderful the number of donations. People walked in off the street and gave as low as five dollars. The response from the people of Montserrat was overwhelming. The spirit of Christmas and giving is alive and well,” proclaimed Francis.

Source: Thursday January 7, 2021 “Basil Speaks with Montserrat Red Cross Director Glenn Francis” | Montserrat Radio Echo (