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Montserrat's most famous tour guide, James Scriber Daley was Ben Fogle's guide in the documentary. Photo - Renegade Pictures

Full House Enjoys Ben Fogle’s and the Buried City Documentary

Tuesday evening’s premiere of the Channel 5 documentary “Ben Fogle and the Buried City” at the Montserrat Cultural Centre was well received, says the Montserrat Tourism Division.

Ben Fogle and Jumblack, the only person living in the Exclusion Zone.
Photo – Renegade Pictures
Ben Fogle and MVO Scientist Thomas TC Christopher. Photo – Renegade Pictures

The highly anticipated film, which is part of the Lost Worlds series, chronicles the experiences of Montserratians during and in the aftermath of the devastating volcanic crisis.

The event began with a heartfelt message of gratitude from internationally acclaimed actor Ben Fogle, who expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to tell the story of Montserrat and its people.

The ninety-minute documentary was both informative and emotional, with many viewers moved to tears as they revisited their personal experiences of the disaster and the ways in which they have adapted to life on the island following the eruptions. The premiere was a true community event, which drew a wide cross-section of the public from primary school children to young adults and mature persons. Many of the participants in the documentary were also in attendance.

Ben Fogle and Vernaire Bass of 664 Connect Media
Photo – Renegade Pictures

“We are thrilled with the success of the premiere of ‘Ben Fogle and the Buried City’ said Rosetta West-Gerald, Director of the Montserrat Tourism Division. “This documentary is a powerful tribute to Montserratians all over the world and the resilience of our people in adverse
disaster, a testament to the natural beauty and unique culture of our island. We are grateful to Ben Fogle and the team at Renegade Pictures for bringing this project to fruition which in many ways has helped to put the Buried City’ into context for visitors and others who did not witness the eruptions,” she added.

The documentary was also broadcasted on Channel 5 in the UK to millions of viewers. The Montserrat Tourism Division hopes that the film will inspire visitors to come and experience the island’s beauty and culture for themselves.

“We invite everyone to come and see for themselves what makes our island so special,” said the tourism director. “Montserrat is a hidden gem in the Caribbean, and we are excited to share our story with the world.”

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