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Cabinet Approves Appointments to National Boards & Committees

During the month of May, the Cabinet approved appointments to three committees and four boards.

According to the Cabinet Notes for May 11, June 1, 2023, published on June 28, 2023 on the Government Information Unit’s Facebook page, the appointments run between one year and three years in some instance. The appointments are as followed.


Adoption Committee

Cabinet approved the appointment of members to the Adoption Committee for three years starting April 1, 2023.

  • Teresena Fergus – Director, Social Services Department
  • Jamiel Greenaway – Legal Representative
  • Claris Yearwood – Youth Development Worker
  • Meredith Blake – Social Welfare Officer
  • Edris Wade – Children Society Representative
  • Kimberly Gibbons – Child Care Officer (Guidance Counsellor)
  • Rev. Shane McFarlane – Representative from the Montserrat Christian Council

Micro & Small Business Committee

Cabinet approved the appoint of a committee to serve for a two-year period commencing June 1, 2023.


  • Permanent Secretary responsible for Trade or his/her representative
  • Director of Agriculture of his/her representative
  • Customs or Revenue Comptroller of Inland Revenue or his/her representative
  • Nerissa Golden (Private Sector Representative I)
  • Claude Browne (Private Sector Representative II)

Prison Visiting Committee

Cabinet agreed to the appointment of the following members to the Prison Visiting Committee for a period of two years, effective June 1, 2023.

  • Paul Morris – Chairman
  • Edith Duberry
  • William Alfred Ryan
  • Folium Fernandez
  • Theresa Silcott


Nurses & Midwives Board

Cabinet approved to the Nurses & Midwives Board for one year, effective April 1, 2023, the following people.

  • Valerie Lewis-Lynch
  • Yasmin White
  • Dr. Sinclair Corward

Land Surveyors Board

Cabinet approved the appointment the following people to serve on the board for a period of two years, effective June 1, 2023.

  • Chief Surveyor – Chairman
  • Licensed Surveyor – William Keith Thomas
  • Private Sector Representative – Trevor Howe
  • Secretary – Senior Assistant Secretary MAHLE

Social Services Board

Cabinet has approved the appointment of the following members to the Social Welfare Board for a two-year period, effective May 1, 2023.

  • Edris Wade – Montserrat Red Cross
  • Valerie Lewis-Lynch – St. Vincent de Paul Society
  • Dr. Beatrice Ruth Allen – Montserrat Christian Council
  • Calvin Lewis – Royal  Montserrat Defense Force

Montserrat Community College Board of Governor’s

Members will serve on the Board of Governor’s for a period of three years commencing June 1,2023.

  • Permanent Secretary, Education, Youth Affairs & Sports – Chairman
  • Director of Education – Dr. Gregory Julius
  • Principal – Geraldine Cabey
  • Representative,  Ministry of Finance – Alverna Weekes
  • Representative, School of Continuing Studies – Dr. Yvonne Weekes
  • Representative, MCC Faculty – Akeem Richards
  • Representative, MCC Student Council – Khayla West
  • Representative, Montserrat Tourist Board – Rosetta West-Gerald
  • Representative, Industry/Commerce – Edward Estwick
  • Representative, Montserrat Bar Association – Kora Galloway