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Nerissa Golden to Host Lady Maverick Retreat for Business Women on Montserrat


Spaces are still available for business women on Montserrat who wish to attend a two-day retreat to be hosted by business strategist Nerissa Golden.

Lady Maverick Intensive Retreat is being funded by the COSME programme to encourage small and medium enterprise growth in the Overseas Territories of the European Union.

Golden said there are slots for 15 local women while the other 15 will come from across the region. “The cost is already covered through COSME. All the women need to do is invest the two days to attend and participate in the sessions.”

Lady Maverick is an intensive coaching programme for women ready to grow their business and live centre stage. Birthed from more than 20 years as an entrepreneur and trainer, Golden has designed the retreat to support women in business and those ready to transition from employee to employer.

“I’ve worked with women across the Caribbean and while you can give everyone a five-step process for marketing or setting up your business, it isn’t that easy to work through the issues of confidence, working through fears and taking the steps to move out of your comfort zone. The retreat is the launch pad to provide the women with practical tools to do this. They will also become part of a virtual network of women who are ready to support their dreams,” Golden explained.

“It is going to be a remarkable experience to share Montserrat with the visiting ladies and to create a space for growth to take place.” COSME has invited women from each of the 12 Overseas Countries and Territories in the Caribbean to participate.

COSME is an European Union-funded programme to support the growth and sustainability of small and medium enterprises in all of the OCTs.

Interested women who live on Montserrat can register on More details on the retreat can be viewed online. Gain additional updates by following Nerissa Golden on Facebook at and on Instagram at .

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