Read the 2024 Edition of Discover Montserrat Magazine

Beach life. We don't have many beaches but none of them are every far away from where you are. Take a soak in it.
Beach life. We don't have many beaches but none of them are every far away from where you are. Take a soak in it.

Answer the Tourism Stakeholders’ Questionnaire

Tourism Intelligence International Inc. has completed its in-country visit. The consultants and the Tourism Division, under Office of the Premier, thanks every stakeholder and individual who contributed to the invaluable exchange of ideas, whether in person or via the Facebook livestream video available here

A short questionnaire was prepared to allow another opportunity for receiving input into the Strategy development work. Please click the link, to allow you to do so here –
Your input is extremely important to shaping the strategic focus for the tourism sector over the next 3-5 years. The survey will remain available until midnight on Sunday, February 24th.