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12-2-20-Business Toolkit Launch final

Government of Montserrat to Launch Business Startup Handbook Wednesday

This Wednesday, entrepreneurs and those intending to start a business are invited to the Doing Business Forum at the Montserrat Cultural Centre.

The event will see the launch of a new handbook to guide potential and unregistered business owners through the process of business registration. Additionally it outlines the process for what businesses need to do monthly or annually to ensure compliance with the various government/statutory bodies, says Agatha Aspin, Business Services Officer in the Office of the Premier.

The handbook was produced as a follow-up from the COVID-19 Stimulus package programme where many businesses were unsuccessful in receiving grants as they were not compliant with government regulations.

“It was developed inhouse with input from Social Security, FSC and Inland Revenue. The general idea is to eventually compile a new Doing Business Guide,” Aspin explained. This is expected to be undertaken in 2021 when additional staff come on board.

The forum is slated for 5PM at the Cultural Centre. The rebooted National Development Foundation (NDF) is expected to make a presentation on the process for applying for business loans.

Aspin said the government is especially interested in young people with innovative ideas for using their talents and IT skills to start businesses to attend.