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All FIT Feud teams
All FIT Feud teams

Laurian Brand and Team Win MCWLE’s FIT Feud

Sunday afternoon’s Families in technology (F.I.T.) Feud organised by the ICT Unit in the Ministry of Communications, Works, Labour, and Energy was a fun-filled and not-quite brain busting event.

Four teams comprising two adults and two teens competed in a live game show to test their ICT knowledge for a chance to win cash and prizes.

The teams were color-coded with Tech Phantoms led by Brades teacher Jose White in yellow, Technocrats, captained by Laurian Brand in green, Rota-Fam led by Jhovan Daniel in red and The Dragons led by David Silcott in blue.

Hosted by Dr. Tiffannie Skerritt, the teams competed in games modelled after Family Feud and Jeopardy.

Questions were simple but some still managed to stump the participants. There were questions about the most popular smartphones, types of ICT devices, social media emojis and so on.

First up were the Technocrats vs Tech Phantoms. Playing two rounds, each team member had to hit the buzzer for the chance to answer. In some instances, when neither team got the answer, the audience was able to weigh in.

Technocrats won game one and had to wait their turn to battle the winner of game two.

Rota-Fam and The Dragons both had players who were well versed in IT. However, this wasn’t always a good thing and sometimes the answers belied the questions and the response of the people surveyed.

In the final tally, The Dragons won the game and then took on Technocrats.

Minister of MCWLE, Dr. Samuel Joseph was on hand to share prizes. Technocrats were victorious and shared a $1000 cash prize. Although doubting their abilities at the start of the day, the team was able to capitalise on the double and triple point rounds. All participants also went home with gift certificates.

Watch the competition below and test your IT knowledge at the same time.