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Special Education Needs Survey Launched

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission through the Program for Educational Advancement and Relevant Learning (PEARL) announces the launch of the Special Education Needs (SEN) Survey.

The overarching goal of the SEN Survey as part of the OECS PEARL is to “increase accessibility and reduce disparity for students with special education needs and disabilities” in Montserrat.

The Ministry says children with various forms of disabilities and those who require special support in their educational development have the right to adequate interventions to ensure their success in school and beyond.

The survey is open to all, students, parents, educators, and members of the community.

The Ministry of Education is inviting the public to join them as they forge ahead in gathering vital information to ensure the needs of children are met.

The survey will be sent to schools and parents but is also available on the Ministry of Education Facebook page. The results will assist in accessing external funding to improve school-based support programs.

Take the survey here: