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Parliamentary Secretary Veronica Dorsette-Hector Leaves MCAP for United Alliance

Parliamentary Secretary Veronica Dorsette Hector has left the governing party, Movement for Change and Prosperity (MCAP) expressing disappointment and having suffered during her time with them.

While rumors had been swirling for some time that party defections were imminent, her departure was confirmed on Thursday when the United Alliance (UA) party, headed by former premier Reuben T. Meade dropped a promotional poster of its party list with her image added as the final and eighth member. In May, Jenzil Skerritt who had served as MCAP’s public relations officer since they took office in 2019, announced he would be running on the UA slate in the next island elections.

Dorsette-Hector is still a member of the government as no resignation letter had been received by the MCAP or Governor up to Friday, June 21, 2024. If she had chosen to resign and vacate her seat in the legislature, by law it would need to be filled through a special election, according to the Montserrat Constitution Order 2010.

In a radio statement the new United Alliance MNI member said “After much deliberation, I have taken the decision to resign from the position of Parliamentary Secretary. My people you may ask why now? My disappointment did not begin today but I was determined to work through the challenges in the interest of the people of Montserrat, knowing that there is a time and a season for everything.

“I did not enter politics to create confusion or bring down any government. Despite all my personal sufferings, I endured. I was determined to serve to the best of my ability.

“Although, I contemplated resigning on many occasions, at times reaching out to persons closest to me and in the party. It was not logical for me to do so. I first gave consideration to the idea about three years ago. I saw no viable alternative.

“Walking across the floor, that was not an option. It was not my desire to create a dysfunctional situation which would have led to chaos, confusion and the possible involvement of the British Government.

“The people gave the government a mandate of 5 years. It has run its course.

“In my view, I have found a grouping in the United Alliance Party which is visionary, practical and lead by strong leadership. I have made the decision to move forward with this party. I believe, I am able to project my vision and together with you usher in substantial and impactful progress returning us to a place of national pride, Self determination and not Colonialism.

“I extend my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all the people of Montserrat and abroad who allowed me to represent and serve you to all those with whom I worked in this role. Thank you.

“I remain committed and will always seek the best for you my people. We have a nation to mould, a country to build an protect. God bless you. God bless Montserrat. God bless us all,” Dorsette-Hector’s statement ended.

New leader of the ruling party, Dr. Samuel Joseph released a statement on the weekend acknowledging her decision to leave.

“The Movement for Change and Prosperity (MCAP) acknowledges the decision of Mrs. Veronica Dorsette-Hector to not contest the next election under the MCAP party banner, as announced on ZJB Radio,” Dr. Joseph’s statement read. “As the new political leader of the MCAP party, I wish to thank Mrs. Dorsette-Hector on behalf of the party for her efforts and contributions over the last four-plus years. Our party remains strong, united, committed, and focused on the continued development of Montserrat and its people.”

We are confident in the new slate of candidates who will carry forward our vision and work diligently to serve Montserrat with integrity and determination in the years ahead.

No date for the elections which are constitutionally due this year has been announced.

Tuesday’s Parliamentary sitting is expected to be a crucial one given the recent changes.