The Art Show, produced by Art of Serenity founder Serene Leonard, was held on Thursday evening at Hilltop Coffee House.
Amidst hundreds of pieces of memorabilia from Montserrat’s musical and volcanic past, artwork for up and coming as well as more established artists were on display.
The show featured artwork by Clover Lea, Sonia Bramble, Chamella Carlisle, Serene Leonard, Michael Francis, Nichelle Ryan, Steffon Buffonge, Sammay Sinclair and Clarone Smartt and sculptures by Vinceroy Cassell.
Governor Sarah Tucker as well as Opposition Leader Paul Lewis stopped by to check out the artwork.
Lewis had high praise for 15-year-old Sammay who had several pieces in the Art Show. Sammay is taught and mentored by her secondary school art teacher Tabu. She also assisted him earlier this year to paint a mural of Montserrat’s first National Hero W.H. Bramble at the MSS campus.
A cross section of residents stopped by to enjoy the artwork as well as the food and drinks available.
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